Sunday, January 18, 2009

"The Cruel Shoes"

Below is a story by Steve Martin that was also the inspiration for the name of a compilation of essays published called Cruel Shoes.  If you are unfamiliar with the story please skip to below.

I recently saw one of the most horrendous golf holes, ever.  It looked like the cruel shoe with the razor blades.  It was so forced into the property with rediculous shot requirements that no one could ever enjoy playing such a travesty.  The green complex was hideous and made my stomach hurt.  Why could such a thing happen?  The course was designed by the owners who had little understanding of the golf course routing.  Creating a golf course is a dream and often even a novice could create a good hole here or there.  It is the expert that is required to build an entire course of sufficient quality that people would want to play for generations, and so it can be maintained efficiently so as a business it can survive for just as long.

Cruel Shoes:   Youtube version.


  1. A course that I frequently play on is closing soon. The good news is, a new course will be built a few miles down the road. They have not broke ground on it yet, but they have literally been planning it for close to 3 years now, meticulously pouring over detail after detail. And after talking to the course manager a couple of weeks ago, it's apparent that this is the calm before the storm... he's anticipating the close to a year of next-to-no sleep nights getting things ready. It simply amazes me everything that goes into putting together something that I, like most golfers, really take for granted. But at the end of the day, it's the courses and their combination of beauty and challenge that brings me back time after time!

  2. Thanks for sharing Chris.

    3 years sure is a lot of planning - unless it was for rezoning and permitting - which could take even longer.

    Is it a real estate development project?



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